Award-winning marble concept rolling its way through Europe

Marvelous marbles
Those monsters are not only cute, but also love to inform kids on the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables, stimulating healthy choices in the shopping basket.
New details or features were added along the way to increase the desirability of the collection and the excitement of unwrapping the blind packaging. Think of a new character in a very limited edition, which also gave the lucky finders a chance to win a prize.
in the spotlight

game-changing app
In the first campaign in Belgium, this game alone managed to increase campaign hype and engagement and offered a new communication channel to campaign participants.
The real game-changer however, was the addition of a unique QR code with each marble, making millions of collectibles suddenly trackable. The codes were scanned in the app to complete a digital collection and unlock new levels and features.
The code scanning not only delivered exceptionally in-depth insights into campaign results, it also made push messaging transform from 1-to-all to 1-to-1. After all, the app registered which and how many characters a user scanned, if they were close to completing the collection or rather to dropping out.


Completing the picture
Truly unique was the 2-in-1 collector box and build-your-own-maze, in line with the maze game in the app.
The completers too were given a UniQode, unlocking an extra world in the game. All subtle ways for the offline and online worlds to reinforce each other.

Small rewards, big impact!
Six countries enchanted by the fresh heads marble concept so far, let's roll to the next!
Character design


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